What Are You Waiting For?
- My ship to come in
- An engraved invitation
- Hell to freeze over
- Validation/vindication
- Forgiveness
- Understanding
- Godot
- A blue moon
- Christmas
- Springtime
- The bus
- Recognition
- A window of opportunity
- Lightning to strike
- For the work to do itself
- A revelation from on high
- Inspiration
- Time to stand still
- The stars to align in the heavens
- Release
- A sign
- Results
- Approval
- Dessert
- The bell
- The other shoe to drop
- Pigs to sprout wings and fly
- The storm to pass
- The end of the line
- The green light
- The credits to roll
- The fat lady to sing
- The door to open
- The axe to fall
- The dust to settle
- My turn
- My chance to shine
- The phone to ring
- The smoke/air to clear
- The grass to grow under my feet
- To see which way the cat jumps
- To see which way the wind blows
- For a raindrop in a drought
- To exhale
- The cows to come home
- The weekend