Maybe I'm NOT the Main Character...
Several years ago, some friends shared a story about a T-shirt they had seen in their travels... and their regret that they hadn't bought one. I think the image was a crowd with a speech bubble hovering above it proclaiming the realization "Maybe I'm NOT the main character..."
That image pops into my head frequently. Haven't we all had that experience, in either a negative or a positive way? Someone else wins the race, gets the part, says it better, makes it prettier, sells it for more get the picture, I'm sure.
We've been enjoying the TV show "The Voice" with my stepdaughter when we go over to visit our infant grandsons (twins). I love the positive vibe and good humour of the blind auditions, and the weird combination of competition mixed with cooperation as the chosen singers battle it out. I especially enjoy the frequent advice given by the coaches to the competing singers: don't step on each other's moments; build on each other's strengths; challenge yourself to rise to new heights; find your own moment to shine.
It reminds me that we can't all sing the melody all the time. Sometimes we are the backup vocals providing harmony and richness to the song... sometimes we are the drumbeat in the background keeping the rhythm going... sometimes we are way out there in the audience providing support and encouragement.
All of those roles have value; it's knowing which one to play at the proper moment that makes the whole performance sing.